[ Ссылка ] | Streams, and tables are two ways of working with a single set of events. See this concept in action with this video.
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► KSQL Streams and Tables | Level Up your KSQL by Confluent: [ Ссылка ]
► Duality of Streams and Tables: [ Ссылка ]
► Streams and Tables in Apache Kafka: [ Ссылка ]
Confluent is pioneering a fundamentally new category of data infrastructure focused on data in motion. Confluent’s cloud-native offering is the foundational platform for data in motion – designed to be the intelligent connective tissue enabling real-time data, from multiple sources, to constantly stream across the organization. With Confluent, organizations can meet the new business imperative of delivering rich, digital front-end customer experiences and transitioning to sophisticated, real-time, software-driven backend operations. To learn more, please visit www.confluent.io.
#kafka #streamprocessing #ksqldb #apachekafka #confluent
ksqlDB 101: Streams and Tables
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