The Voice Kids 5 - Sofia Ivanko sings "Zombie" by The Cranberries TheVoiceShow 1:55 2019-10-16 16:18 1 614 26 0 Информация: Скачать Sofia Ivanko sings "Zombie" by The CranberriesThe Voice Kids 5For any copyright issue please contact me to sort it out! Any video will be deleted within 24 hours in case the owner of the footages/songs asks for it! Thank you and enjoy beauty! свернутьТеги Britain’s Got Talent 2017Britain’s Got TalentTalentБританские талантыТалантыПениеКак же поетTheVoiceThe VoiceThe Voice KidsKidsГолосГолос ДетиX факторX factorX-факторX-factorТалантИмеет талантУкраина имеет талантУкраїна має талантИкс фактор
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