This video is about Pistoia, Italy which is a city in Tuscany. My relative, Angela took me to see her best friend Carla who lives there. Carla's husband Antonio joined us, and we went on a walking tour together.
We say the San Giovanni Fuorcivitas church. Then we went to the Piazza del Cuomo. In the Piazza was the Pistoia Cathedral with a relic from St. James, the octagonal baptistry of San Giovanni, the Palazzo Pretorio courthouse, and the Campanile del Duomo di Pistoia. We then left the Piazza and saw the Ospedale del Ceppo, which was a hospital for almost 800 years but is now a museum.
One thing I didn't have time to mention in this short video was that Pistoia is known for its nurseries (like plants and trees, not flowers), and Carla works in one.
Pistoia, Italy Sightseeing
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