Before construction work can begin at a site, it is important to learn what kind of soil and rocks are located underneath. Drilling is performed in order to collect soil samples from different depths underground, and different tests are then conducted to see how the soil will behave. This information is important for engineers to have prior to building and helps to avoid any unexpected obstacles that may occur.
Geotechnical Drilling - CTL | Thompson, Inc.
CTLCTL|ThompsonEngineeringBreak RoomBusterUTMUniversal Test MachineTorsion MachineSmash LabHydraulic PressCompressionTensionAccreditedTestingfort collinsdenverfort collins coloradodenver coloradocoloradointernational accredidationboreholeboringholegeotechgeotech drillingdrillinggeotechnical boringborehole drillingsamplingsoil sampledrilling and samplinggeotech engineergeotechnical engineersoil