It is a construction to open a bottle of beer and pour in a particular glass. The entire mechanics, control unit and power supply was exclusively developed by myself. The development, construction and production time was about 1 ½ years. In the control unit three microcontroller work together. For precise control, stepper motors are used. How accurate the system works, can be reproduced with a small calculation:
By one motor revolution, the linear unit moves exactly 3mm. The motor can rotate in steps of 0.9 degree. This results in the smallest possible movement in half step operation of 0,0075mm. This movement is therefore 10x smaller than a human hair!
The programming of the system was very sophisticated and difficult, because there are precision and accuracy necessary. To control various sensors and actuators, over 44 cable go into the machine. Now to the operation of the automatic machine:
It have to be inserted a closed bottle and a glass into mounts of the system. After you press the start button at the electronic housing, the control unit check the system of new replacement of a glass and a new bottle of beer. Whether the glass is full or at all present an error message appears on the display. If the machine is replaced the control unit starts the machine with the automatic system. The bottle opener starts with the operation and the linear axis’s drive to the pour position and the pour process begins. After the glass is nearly full and a rest of beer is in the bottle, the operation stops and the beer bottle get in rotation for to dissolve the brewer’s yeast. After a few seconds the machine move to the last pour position back and the beer with the yeast is filled in the beer glass, with an additional foam crown. Cheers!!
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Beer Pouring Machine
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