《佛說大乘莊嚴寶王經》六字大明陀羅尼 出處:釋迦牟尼佛開示:「此六字大明陀羅尼,是觀自在菩薩摩訶薩微妙本心。若有知是微妙本心,即知解脫」。「六字大明咒」又名六字大明陀羅尼、觀世音菩薩六字大明咒或觀音心咒又稱為萬咒之王。此咒為一切咒之心,所以又叫大悲心咒。加拿大 大悲菩提寺虔誠恭製。The Six-Syllable Mantra, the Crown of Ten Thousand Mantras of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, embodies the essence of Great Compassion. The "Six-Syllable Great Bright Mantra" originates from the “Karandavyuha Sutra." It is also known as the Six-Syllable Dharani, the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Six-Syllable Great Bright Mantra, or the Guan Yin Heart Mantra or Six-Syllable Mantra. Designed by Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple, Canada. This mantra chanted by H.H. 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje.
Volume Three of the "Karandavyuha Sutra" states: "This Six-Syllable Great Bright Dharani is the true speech of all Tathagatas. It can eliminate all suffering and afflictions of the lower realms. One should give rise to a great compassionate mind and constantly remember it. One should recite this mantra: Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum
"If there are virtuous men and women who hear this Six-Syllable Great Bright Dharani, they will encounter countless Buddhas and all their karmic obstacles will be completely eliminated. After death, they will be reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and see Amitabha Buddha."
The Sanskrit translation of the Six-Syllable Great Bright Mantra means "Homage to the sacred one who holds the jewel and the lotus, and destroys all obstacles."
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Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple is situated in a tranquil forest in the northern part of Toronto, Canada. Over the past decade, the temple has dedicated itself to adult Buddhist education and youth meditation education in Western society. However, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the past three years, the temple has temporarily closed its doors to the public. Despite facing challenges such as reduced resources and donations, and enduring many hardships, we remain steadfast in our original aspiration to 'promote Buddhism in the West.'
Venerable Master Miao Jing deeply understands that Buddhist education should not be interrupted. Therefore, at the beginning of the pandemic, she immediately initiated the online Dharma propagation mission through YouTube. This endeavor involves not only the expensive purchase of hardware but also the time-consuming and labor-intensive video production by volunteer workers. The operation is challenging. In order to sustain the mission of propagating the Dharma through sound, we earnestly call upon virtuous individuals from all directions to generate the intention to support and donate to the Great Compassion Bodhi Prajna Temple for the long-term operation of the Dharma broadcasting and Western propagation mission.
什麼是陀羅尼,密咒 住持 妙淨法師開示
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《楞嚴咒》咒中之王的意義| 趨吉避凶神咒功德利益【上篇】
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《大佛頂首楞嚴神咒》咒中之王 《楞嚴咒》殊勝功德利益 【下篇】
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