A backpacking adventure with 5 friends into the Sawtooth Wilderness of Idaho from July 22-25, 2021. Although distant fires gave a little haze, we lucked into beautiful weather and an amazing experience. Highlights include the following areas: Tin Cup Hiker Trailhead, Pettit Lake, Alice Lake, Twin Lakes, Toxaway Lake, Edna Lake, Virginia Lake, Hidden Lake, Upper Cramer Lake, Middle Cramer Lake, Alpine Lake (x2), Upper Baron Lake, Baron Lake, Baron Creek, Sawtooth Lake and 5 mountain passes.
The initial plan had this broken into 5 days, but after making better time than anticipated we finished in 4.
- Day 1 (0:30): Tin Cup Hiker Trailhead (Pettit Lake) to Toxaway Lake
- Day 2 (5:24): Toxaway Lake to Middle Cramer Lake
- Day 3 (9:31): Middle Cramer Lake to Baron Creek
- Day 4 (14:49): Baron Creek to Iron Creek Trailhead
"Art of Silence - by Uniq" is under a Creative Commons license (Creative Commons – International Recognition 4.0 – CC BY 4.0)
#sawtoothwilderness #backpacking #idaho
Sawtooth Wilderness Backpacking - Idaho
backpacking for beginnersbackpacking tripbackpacking videoultralight backpackingsawtooth wildernesssawtooth wilderness backpackingbackpackingsawtooth wilderness idahosawtooth mountainssawtooth mountains idahobackpacking in the sawtooth wildernesssawtooth backpackingidaho backpackingbackpacking the sawtooth wildernesssawtooth wilderness areavlogsawtothtoxawaymtnzpackshikingMochileroloopgeartrekking背包liteafstanleyhikesurprise endingalice