Patarei Prison, located in Tallinn, Estonia, is one of the most remarkable historic buildings in the Baltic Sea Region. Thousands of repressed by the communist regime were detained in Patarei during its use as a prison of the communist Soviet Union (1941-1944, 1944-1991). In the coming years, the Estonian Institute of Historical Memory will establish the International Museum for the Victims of Communism in the east wing of the building. More than 90 million Red Terror victims all over the world deserve a place that discusses their sad fate in facts and that warns the public of communist ideology’s hostile nature.
During the summer season (May-September) there is a temporary exhibition area "Communism is Prison" open in the complex.
Further information:
Patarei Prison and the crimes of communism
patareipatarei prisonpatarei fortresstallinn historycommunismcommunist crimescrimes of communismcommuniststalinmarxengelsstalinismmarxismsoviet unionsovietcrimes of soviet unionoccupation of estoniatallinnsoviet repressionsrepressionspolitical repressionshistory of estoniahistory of tallinnsoviet occupationpolitical prisoncommunist ideologyussr