How to Identify Water Lilies (Nymphaeaceae)
This is Water Lily, a perennial that blooms in the summer. This plant is part of the family Nymphaeaceae, which contains five genera and many species that are found all around the world. There are a wide variety of water lilies, but all are morphologically similar and are easy to identify.
The plants have thick rhizomatous stems which lie just above the substrate below several feet of water. The leaves grow spirally alternate along these rhizomes and have very long thick petioles that carry the leaf blades to the surface of the water. The leaves are peltate and have simple margins. They are either emergent above the water’s surface, or float directly on the surface of the water.
The flowers are carried individually on long stalks and are either emergent or float on the surface. The flowers are radial and have many petals and colorful petal-like sepals. The reproductive organs are neatly arranged in the center and are brightly colored. The flowers are usually white, yellow, or pink, and there are varieties which display many vibrant shades of purple, red, and blue. The flowers usually bloom for only a day or two, and the male and female organs mature at different times to facilitate cross-pollination. After pollination, they will close and sink below the surface of the water to disperse their seeds.
Water Lilies can grow in a wide range of temperatures, and there are both tropical and hardy species and hybrids. They generally prefer full sun or partial shade, and thick, loamy soils. They grow best in water with gentle movement.
WATER LILY (Nymphaeaceae)
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