Coronavirus is here and it is important for everyone to be fully informed. It is best to avoid infection completely. At the very least, we need to minimize our risk of developing the the sometimes devastating consequences of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection. I trust this video is helpful.
We have much to learn from our colleagues in China and Japan who have extensive experience treating serious cases of coronavirus. The challenge is that symptoms may not appear for days to weeks, and by that time serious lung damage may already have occurred.
What are the symptoms? Coronavirus first infects the throat, so infected individuals first develop a sore throat lasting 3-4 days. The virus then blends with nasal fluid that enters the trachea and progress to the lungs, causing pneumonia. Coronavirus pneumonia results in a dry cough with no runny nose, accompanied by high fever and difficulty breathing. Nasal secretions are severe, and bring a feeling of drowning. If this occurs, you must seek medical attention immediately.
10 practical tips for Coronavirus:
1. Coronavirus is not heat-resistant and hates the sun. The virus will be killed by a temperature of just 26-27 °C (79-81 F). Sun exposure, hot drinks and showers are effective! Avoid cold or iced drinks.
2. When someone sneezes, Coronavirus will travel about 10 feet and then drops to the ground. It does not remain airborne.
3. If coronavirus drops onto a metal surface, it will live for at least 12 hours. Therefore if you come into contact with any metal surface, wash your hands as soon as possible with a bacterial soap.
4. Coronavirus survives on fabric for 6-12 hours. Normal laundry detergent kills the virus.
5. Coronavirus lives on your hands for only 5-10 minutes. Wash your hands frequently and avoid rubbing your eyes, picking your nose unwittingly and so on.
6. Because coronavirus first infects the throat and is killed by heat, you should begin to gargle with warm salt water daily at the first appearance of a sore throat.
7. Drink plenty of water! This cannot be emphasized enough. Water will wash viruses from your mouth into your gut where it will be destroyed by stomach acid.
8. Some Chinese physicians recommend high doses of vitamin C. The rationale is that vitamin C is effective against all viruses, as it produces hydrogen peroxide, which is highly toxic to microbes. Anecdotally patients with severe respiratory symptoms have responded remarkably to vitamin C given intravenously. My recommendation is to swallow 1-2 blended whole lemons at least once per daily. This represents a high dose of naturally occurring vitamin C that will be easily absorbed, while the lemon promotes alkalinity in the bloodstream.
9. Because lung damage ultimately results from inflammatory processes, consume plenty of foods and spices that are loaded with antioxidants, such as garlic and turmeric.
10. A robust combination of nutritional supplements is also advisable to support cellular energy function during this time of increased demand. See our Heart Health Energy Support Package detailed below.
Heart Health Energy Support Package:
Coenzyme Q10 200-400 mg daily
D-ribose 5-10 grams daily
L-carnitine 1000-2000 mg daily
Magnesium 200-400 mg daily
Comprehensive MultiVitamin
Product links are provided here for your convenience:
Coenzyme Q10 - [ Ссылка ]
D-ribose - [ Ссылка ]
L-carnitine - [ Ссылка ]
Magnesium - [ Ссылка ]
Multivitamin - [ Ссылка ]
For further information, please visit our website at: [ Ссылка ]
We hope these tips will help to keep you healthy and safe!
DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The safety and efficacy of these products have not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is provided for informational purposes only. Dr. James Kneller and JamesKnellerMD, PLLC are not responsible for any losses, damages, or claims that may result from your medical decisions. Please consult your health care professional before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, may become pregnant, or breastfeeding.
Supporting immunity to fight inflammation during COVID-19
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