Simply Thai in Teddington and Yumyum in north London put together competing starters in the F Word search for best local Thai restaurant.
Season 5 of The F Word. A bold, modern and mischievous take on the world of food combines location VTs, kitchen actuality, celebrity interviews, stunts and recipe based challenges to give the format its trademark energy, pace and visual richness and create waves in the food world and beyond. .
#TheFWord #GordonRamsay #Food #Cooking .
Thai Fishcakes competition | The F Word
Authentic Thai FoodCelebrity InterviewsCooking CompetitionCooking TipsEnergyFlavor CombinationsFlavorful DishesFood CritiqueFood ExperimentationGordon Ramsay ShowGourmet ExperienceInternational CuisineRecipe ChallengesTasty CreationsTeddingtonTraditional Cooking Techniquescooking tipsfood recipesgordon ramsaythe f word compilations