Azan - The Call to Prayers
“حَيَّ عَلَى الصَّلاة”
“حَيَّ عَلَى الْفَلاح”
“O ye people, hurry up to join the congregational prayer. Hurry up because this is the real and complete success.”
This is the theme of the message contained in the Azan, the formal call to congregational prayers in Islam. No other announcement or pronouncement is called that often in the world. This Divine invitation is extended to the people of the world billions of times every day at various times. It is a practice that is going to continue to the end of days.
In Islam, there are five obligatory prayers to be offered each day by all Muslims, men and women. The congregational prayer is held in a Mosque, and, according to the teachings of Islam, Azan should be called before each prayer. The purpose of the Azan, literally meaning pronouncement and declaration, is quite obvious from its meaning. It is made to let the Muslims living in that vicinity know that the time for prayer has approached and that they should get ready for it.
The Azan is to be called in a loud voice, sometimes through the public-address system, so that it is audible to all the people living far and near the neighbourhood. The Holy Prophet of Islam (May peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is reported to have said that even a solitary person in the dessert is to make the call for prayer in the formal way. Who knows, somebody, upon hearing the Azan, may join this person in prayer. Even if no one turns up, he would be benefitted on the day of Judgement when the stones, bushes and other things would bear witness in the presence of Allah that he did pronounce the oneness and the greatness of Almighty Allah at that time.
Different methods are adopted by other religions to invite the followers to their place of worship. Some beat drums, others blow trumpets and some toll bells. Unless someone understands the meaning of this clamour, it is impossible to understand its significance. How is the knell or toll of bells different from the ringing for mass? It is impossible to know the full message of the invitation as such sounds are not self-explanatory. Without knowing the source of this invitation or the purpose for which one is being asked to attend, no one could be supposed to make the necessary preparations to rise up to the occasion. If such a person, who is not aware of the significance of the invitation, does step in to the place of worship, there can hardly be any real hope to presume that he would be able to offer the prayer with full concentration and solemnity that prayers deserve.
Islam does claim to be the most perfect religion for mankind. The institution of Azan can be cited as another clear example to uphold this claim. The Azan is a way to invite Muslims to their congregational prayers. The different phrases of the Azan are not only meaningful, but add to the purposefulness of the whole practice. Any person, who hears a Muslim calling to prayers can easily understand the meaning of the words, provided he understands Arabic and no matter what religion he belongs to. The explicit meanings blend very well with the sweet call to prayers.
The very first words the مؤذن moazzin (one who makes the call to prayers) utters are:
اللہ اکبر (Allaho Akbar) Allah is the greatest. The opening word is اللہ (God). It attracts the attention of the listeners. Allah is the creator, the maker and the giver of all that man can think of, nay, even much more than his imagination. The mention of the attribute of Greatness draws further attention and attaches greater importance to it. This phrase is repeated four times thereby asserting the opening pronouncement.
The Muazzin then proceeds to say:
أشهد أن لا اله إلا الله
I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship save Allah;
أشهد أن محمد رسول الله
I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
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