A tense psychological horror, THE DAMNED follows Eva (Odessa Young), a 19th-century widow who is tasked with making an impossible choice when, in the middle of an especially cruel winter, a ship sinks off the coast of her isolated fishing outpost. With provisions running low, Eva and her crew must choose between rescuing the shipwrecked and prioritising their own survival. Facing the consequences of their choice and tormented by their guilt, the inhabitants wrestle with a mounting sense of dread and begin to believe they are all being punished for their choices...
Inspired by the Westfjords of Iceland in the 1800s, THE DAMNED takes place in an unforgiving, almost unliveable setting, yet one that is steeped in immense beauty and turbulent folklore.
#thedamned #odessayoung #joecole #rorymccan
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