One of the finest arcade shooters that ever released in the coin op paradise,it was one of the first arcades that i ever beat and learn it by the pixel.It was hard enough to make you wanna kick it or broke it,but it was fun and for an average player needed good reflexes.Fortunately an console version was also released for the snes and mega drive.When i saw for the first time the console version for the mega drive the only thing i see was a butchered arcade edition,but in the snes version the release was a litle better compaire it whith the arcade.(ATENTION VIEWERS) i dont wan to offend or to tell something about the snes console or genesis ok? i only want to make some comparison about the two systems and not fun or moke the arcade or the consoles! So if anyone want to post any negative or ofensive commends please do not post any ok?? (I also want to thank my friend gsakalis that he have also a page on tube for helping me out whith my new logo houndead productions).enjoy my videos and feel free to comend or rate my videos.
Sunset riders arcade VS snes.
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