This chicken-like game bird is currently found only on the Big Island. It was introduced to Hawai`i in 1962 from the southern foothills of the Himalayas. Adult males are an iridescent dark blue with a gray breast and white barring on the back. Like the Ring-necked Pheasant, it has a large red facial patch surrounding the eye. It is common in many mesic to wet areas. It can often be seen early or late in the day as it forages in and near forested areas. A reliable place to find the Kalij Pheasant is Kīpuka Puaulu, or Bird Park, located within the Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park.
A portion of the Audio is courtesy of Xeno-Canto ( Catalogue #XC760548 was recorded in India by Sandeep Chakraborty and #XC416927 in Bhutan by Tshering Demo.
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