Ryan Fellows, a street racer and cast member of the Discovery series “Street Outlaws: Fastest in America,” died in a car accident on Sunday, Variety has confirmed. He was 41. Discovery and the official Twitter account for the “Street Outlaws” franchise confirmed the news on Monday morning.“The ‘Street Outlaws’ family is heartbroken by the accident that led to the tragic death of Ryan Fellows,” a Discovery spokesperson told Variety. “We extend our deepest sympathy to Ryan’s loved ones as they process this sudden and devastating loss.”According to reporting from TMZ, Fellows died while filming for “Fastest in America” in Las Vegas. During one of the races scheduled for the show on Sunday morning, Fellows’ Nissan 240z lost control near the finish line, rolled over and caught on fire. Onlookers were unable to pull him out from the car in time.“Fastest in America” is one of four Discovery Channel shows in the “Street Outlaws” franchise, along with the original show, “Memphis” and “No Prep Kings.” The franchise, which premiered in 2013, provides an inside look into the world of street racing. Currently in its third season, “Fastest in America” is a competition show that focuses on eight teams of racers competing against one another for $100,000. Fellows competed in the show’s third season, and also appeared as a guest racer in a Season 5 episode of “Memphis.”Fellows is survived by his wife Liz and children Josiah and Olivia. A Go-Fund Me created for his family reads: “Ryan was an avid car enthusiast and was a road ‘warrior’ in many ways that extended to loves of basketball, cars and business in sales/advertising. He was admired for tenacity and a relentless drive to overcome the challenges before him.”
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