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EDUCATION SYSTEM | Rousseau | Nasir Tamzid Official
Rousseau was a great thinker of educational philosophy. This paper explores Rousseau’s view of
educational philosophy to be aware of educational goals and innovation using dialectical
materialism. Methodology is a comprehensive principle, a development principle, and a specific
historical focus. The above method is the basis for understanding people and human nature in
general. The article indicates that education needs to understand educators as well as learners.
The paper also describes the task of education to recognize that human nature is a process from
childhood to adulthood. In addition, the report uses analytical and aggregated methods to realize
that Rousseau’s educational ideas have tremendous and profound implications for Vietnam’s
educational innovation today.
Keywords: Education, innovation, philosophy, Rousseau, Vietnam
An educational goal is a system of norms of a personality model formed in a specific educational
object (Bostan et al., 2021). There is a system of specific social requirements in each era, in each
stage defined for the personality of a type of educational object. Therefore, the objectives of
education depend on each step of social development and each stage of the human education
process (Gunio, 2021; Marouli, 2021; Timberlake, 2020).
According to Rousseau, developing a child’s inner abilities and competencies is the primary goal
of education (O’ Hagan, 2002). This development should happen naturally. In Émile, Rousseau
points out that education should minimize the limitations of civilization and bring people as close
to nature as possible. His idea is to replace formal education with one that is both natural and
spontaneous. Rousseau is committed to describing young Emile’s upbringing in a way that is
consistent with the ideal society. Emile is taken from his parents and school and placed in the
hands of a tutor. Tutoring brings him closer to the wonders and beauty of nature. Natural education
is an idea found to be at the heart of this work (Diedericks, 2021).
Education will help a child survive. Life is not only an act of breathing, but it consists of work, the
development of sensory organs, and the rational use of bodily capacities. Education gears toward
making a child a natural person. According to Rousseau, developing the senses is a primary goal
of early education. The purposes of the human body act as portals of knowledge. Therefore,
education should help a child develop and train their senses (Schaeffer, 2021).
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EDUCATION SYSTEM | Rousseau | Nasir Tamzid Official
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