Shonen Manga is one of the most popular genres of manga there is. Generally, Shonen Manga is action oriented and frequently comes with supernatural powers; such as the Devil Fruit of One Piece, Ki or Energy of Dragon Ball, and Ninjutsu of Naruto. Therefore many of the most popular manga and anime in the world are focused on characters that fight their way to achieving their dream. Vinland Saga, by contrast, focuses on Thorfinn. A man without any special powers who realizes the error in using his fists to resolve his problems. Vinland Saga is based in Viking controlled England and Denmark during a very turbulent time in history where kings Sweyn and Canute are trying to unify the nations under one power. How did Makoto Yukimura write a character that breaks free from the endless cycle of violence in such a time? Come along with me as I analyze this incredible story and find out how.
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0:00 Intro
4:24 Thorfinn and Einar
12:30 What is Vinland Saga?
14:34 Thorfinn's Childhood
23:32 True Warrior
29:42 Thorfinn and Askeladd
41:42 Race against Thorkell
51:37 Canute and Ragnar
1:00:01 Mutiny
1:05:03 What is Love?
1:09:51 Thorfinn vs. Thorkell
1:14:28 Canute's Plan
1:20:27 Thorfinn vs. Askeladd
1:26:54 Canute vs. Sweyn
1:36:02 Join the Patreon (pls)
1:37:07 Slave Thorfinn
1:47:11 An Empty Man
1:53:00 The Dream
2:00:10 Three Years Later
2:03:07 A Trip to Jelling
2:10:22 Gardar's Assault
2:16:00 Why Thorfinn is Special
2:21:27 Thorfinn vs. Snake
2:27:30 The First Resort
2:30:02 Ketil's Rage
2:33:09 The Meaning of Scars
2:35:02 Vinland
2:41:48 Thorfinn's Resolve
2:45:55 Thorfinn vs. Canute
2:53:05 Why Vinland Saga Stands Out
2:59:10 Outro
#vinlandsaga #thorfinn #anime #manga #makotoyukimura
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