Chess game played by Stockfish 16
• PGN:
[Event "?"]
[Site "Stockfish Chess (Youtube Channel)"]
[Date "2023.12.25"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Stockfish 16"]
[Black "Opponent"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D63"]
[Opening "Queen's Gambit Declined, Orthodox Defense, Pillsbury Variation"]
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 Be7 5. e3 O-O 6. Nf3 Nbd7 7. Rc1 b6 8. cxd5 exd5 9. Bd3 a6 10. Bb1 Bb7 11. Ne5 Nxe5 12. dxe5 Ne4 13. Nxe4 Bxg5 14. Ng3 Re8 15. h4 Be7 16. f4 d4 17. Qxd4 c5 18. Qxd8 Raxd8 19. Be4 Bc8 20. Bc6 Rf8 21. h5 h6 22. Be4 c4 23. Rxc4 Be6 24. Rc7 Bc5 25. Ke2 Bc4+ 26. Kf3 Bxa2 27. Bb7 a5 28. Ne4 Bb4 29. g4 Rfe8 30. Rhc1 Bb3 31. Ba6 Re7 32. Bb5 Be6 33. f5 Rxc7 34. Rxc7 Bd5 35. Bc4 Bxc4 36. Rxc4 Rb8 37. Rc7 Rd8 38. g5 hxg5 39. Nxg5 Rf8 40. Kg4 Bd2 41. e6 fxe6 42. Nxe6 Rf6 43. e4 a4 44. e5 Rf7 45. Rc8+ Kh7 46. Nf8+ Rxf8 47. Rxf8 b5 48. Rb8 Be3 49. e6 Bc5 50. Rxb5 a3 51. Rxc5 axb2 52. Rb5 Kg8 53. Rb8+ Kh7 54. e7 b1=Q 55. Rxb1 g6 56. e8=Q g5 57. Rb7+ Kh6 58. Qe6# 1-0
• Moves:
White Black
00:00 1 d4 d5
00:04 2 c4 e6
00:08 3 Nc3 Nf6
00:12 4 Bg5 Be7
00:16 5 e3 O-O
00:20 6 Nf3 Nbd7
00:24 7 Rc1 b6
00:28 8 cxd5 exd5
00:32 9 Bd3 a6
00:36 10 Bb1 Bb7
00:40 11 Ne5 Nxe5
00:44 12 dxe5 Ne4
00:48 13 Nxe4 Bxg5
00:52 14 Ng3 Re8
00:56 15 h4 Be7
01:00 16 f4 d4
01:04 17 Qxd4 c5
01:08 18 Qxd8 Raxd8
01:12 19 Be4 Bc8
01:16 20 Bc6 Rf8
01:20 21 h5 h6
01:24 22 Be4 c4
01:28 23 Rxc4 Be6
01:32 24 Rc7 Bc5
01:36 25 Ke2 Bc4+
01:40 26 Kf3 Bxa2
01:44 27 Bb7 a5
01:48 28 Ne4 Bb4
01:52 29 g4 Rfe8
01:56 30 Rhc1 Bb3
02:00 31 Ba6 Re7
02:04 32 Bb5 Be6
02:08 33 f5 Rxc7
02:12 34 Rxc7 Bd5
02:16 35 Bc4 Bxc4
02:20 36 Rxc4 Rb8
02:24 37 Rc7 Rd8
02:28 38 g5 hxg5
02:32 39 Nxg5 Rf8
02:36 40 Kg4 Bd2
02:40 41 e6 fxe6
02:44 42 Nxe6 Rf6
02:48 43 e4 a4
02:52 44 e5 Rf7
02:56 45 Rc8+ Kh7
03:00 46 Nf8+ Rxf8
03:04 47 Rxf8 b5
03:08 48 Rb8 Be3
03:12 49 e6 Bc5
03:16 50 Rxb5 a3
03:20 51 Rxc5 axb2
03:24 52 Rb5 Kg8
03:28 53 Rb8+ Kh7
03:32 54 e7 b1=Q
03:36 55 Rxb1 g6
03:40 56 e8=Q g5
03:44 57 Rb7+ Kh6
03:48 58 Qe6# NaN
• This channel shows chess games played by the chess engine Stockfish, a 14-time winner of the Top Chess Engine Championship.
• Stockfish has consistently ranked first or near the top of most chess-engine rating lists and, as of April 2023, is the strongest CPU chess engine in the world.
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