Loved by Ghosts is an animated documentary exploring some of the key events of the last two decades. The story of millions of unimaginable stories.
The Long Road is one of the stories from the film by Promises Project - 'Loved by Ghosts'. It is dedicated to the millions of journeys we can never comprehend.
Many countless tragedies have occurred and continue to occur. There are more people on the move than ever before – and there is no reason to believe that this number will fall in the near future. Many of the key drivers of displacement – protracted conflict, failed states, human rights violations, climate change – continue to rage, across the world.
"A story whether it's told with images or spoken word or through music however you receive it, however it's made, it's all about finding those points of connection and building a road to empathy and understanding and humanizing, I suppose, the stories of refugees and finding those points of connection." - #cateblanchett (#unhcr Goodwill Ambassador).
We all share a common Bloodline.
We are all human.
That is the question we needed to answer.
Written and Directed by Promises Project and Produced by Drum Monkey Media, the film was made over several years. It explores key global events spanning the last two decades and their impact (ultimately) on all of us. It began with questions, many of them unanswerable and over the course of a few years the questions evolved into a body of work which became 'Loved by Ghosts'.
With it's heartfelt observations of a world that seems engulfed in turmoil, it pieces together stories of how in recent years the world has become a (sometimes) more fractured and frightening place. Whether it's the erosion of democracies, being engulfed by conflict or threatened by pandemic, it's easy for any of us to forget about, judge or ignore from afar. Deep down whatever our backgrounds, motivations and actions, we are all the same.
Loved by Ghosts explores how lives can dramatically change in an instant. We all share a common Bloodline. We are all human. #WhatWouldYouDo, that is the question we all need to answer.
The Long Road music Written, Performed and Produced by Ian Connolly. Words Written and Sung by Camilla de Laborde.
Born and raised in Mexico and now living in Portugal, Camila de Laborde is wise beyond her years. An extraordinary talent both as a writer and as a performer. Her beautiful and haunting vocals on 'The Long Road' are written by her and sung exquisitely. Her phrasing and emotional delivery has helped make 'The Long Road' an incredibly poignant moment in the film and captures the tragedy of the story perfectly.
Design and Animation by Partisan Faction
#worldrefugeeday #LovedbyGhostsFilm #refugees #asylum #asylumseekers #migrants #humanrights #conflict #war #refugeestories #refugeeswelcome #government #democracy #iraq #arabspring #syria #libya #afghanistan #iran #geopolitics #calais #occupy #promises
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