Apple has announced the opening of its first two stores in India, marking a significant expansion for the tech giant as it celebrates more than 25 years of operations in the country. The stores, which are located in Mumbai and Delhi, have been designed to reflect the local look and feel. In a statement, Apple said that the launch of the stores coincided with new environmental initiatives and a key milestone in the Indian developer community. The first store will open on 18 April in Mumbai, followed by the opening of the Delhi store on 20 April.
The expansion into India is an important step for Apple, which has been keen to expand its presence in the country for some time. India is one of the world's largest and fastest-growing smartphone markets, with a population of over one billion people. However, Apple has faced challenges in the country, including high import taxes and the dominance of cheaper Android devices. The opening of these stores is seen as a significant move for Apple as it seeks to increase its market share in India and strengthen its position in the region.
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