Fistula can be classified into simple fistula and complex fistula and recurrent fistula. What is a recurrent fistula? Whenever a patient has developed a fistula, when a fistula is not operated by a competent surgeon, is operated by a quack and is treated by alternate methods, patient develops a fistula once again. This is called as a recurrent complex fistula, simple fistula can be handled by a qualified competent surgeon but a complex fistulas need specialized training, specialized skill to treat the fistulas otherwise patient may land up in recurrence.
What are the types of fistula? - Dr. Parameshwara C M
types of fistulatreatment of fistulafistulatypes of anal fistulawhat causes fistulacauses of fistulasymptoms of fistulahow to get rid of fistulastreatment of fissureanal fistulaperianal fistulatreatment of pilespainless treatment of fistulafistula surgerywhat causes diarrheafistulas typespainless treatment of fissuretypesmedicine (field of study)thane westfistula treatment