As BJP leaders toured Bengal today for elections starting Saturday, the show-stealer was actor Mithun Chakraborty, who debuted on the campaign trail days after joining the ruling party. This was Mithun Chakraborty's first appearance for the BJP in Bengal, not as a candidate but as star campaigner.
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BJP's Mithun Factor: Flop Or Hit?
NDTV 24x7West Bengal Assembly ElectionBengal Assembly PollsMamata BanerjeeMithun ChakrabortyStar Campaign for BJPBJPTMCAssembly Election 2021Assembly Poll 2021west bengal Elections 2021west bengal Assembly Electionswest bengal Electionswest bengal Polls 2021west bengal Assembly Election 2021west bengal Election 2021west bengal Election Polls 2021west bengal Election Pollswest bengal Electionwest bengal Election Newstv teaserbulletin