Animated on an iPhone 11 Pro Max at 24 FPS using Stop Motion Studio Pro. Edited with Adobe Primer Pro. 2487 pictures taken. 16 hours 33 minutes spent on the stop motion portion. Not including editing! The cartoon animation was done on Adobe Animate. Not sure about how long the cartoon animation took me, but it was a long time!
Lofty voiced by: Loft Studios
Lifty voiced by: Loft Studios
New guy voiced by: Loft Studio's Dad
Music in order of appearance:
Music by Yevgeniy Sorokin from Pixabay
Loft Studios Theme made on Garage Band
I Did It Yet Again! (Ep. 8)
Stop motionLego stop motionLego animationHalo animationHalo stop motionanimationstop-motionfunny videocool animationcool stop motionfun animationstop motioncool Halo stop motioncool Lego Stop-MotionMega construx animationMega construx Stop Motiongood stop motionexiting stop motionepic stop motionLoft Studiosfunny animationfunny stop actionsmooth animationsmooth stop actionstop action