Choreographer Duane Cyrus (Greensboro) explores themes of rescue, self-sacrifice, and heroism in “Hero Complexities,” inspired by Charles W. David Jr., a Caribbean American US Coast Guardsman during World War II. The hip-hop duo Reliable Brother (Charlotte) goes after their dreams and faces their fears in “The Destiny”. Stewart/Owen Dance (Asheville) presents “Dendrovictus”, a contemporary pas de deux that chronicles the life of a tree and its growth, strength, and resilience. “Moving In,” a group work by Baran Dance (Charlotte) explores the boundary between movement and stillness as it explores connections between performance and meditation. This performance features two special guests: Paul Besaw, Professor of Dance at University of Vermont, brings “Templates/Temples”, a choreographic adaptation of movement material from nine separate Jan Van Dyke dances. Christopher K. Morgan, Executive/Artistic Director of Dance Place in Washington DC, presents “Rice,” a journey in text and movement that uses food and memory to explore a child’s perception of his racial identity.
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