「當我們有意識的去感覺并注意呼吸的過程,它就變成了一種強有力的體驗。如呼吸一般重複做一件事,重複製造一樣東西,對我來說是一種很神聖的精神體驗。」艾伯特.約拿桑.瑟提亞萬在他來台的首次個展「靈語 」中,用無數片延展開來的陶藝讓觀眾體驗到空間中一呼一吸之間的精神體驗。
「靈語 」艾伯特.約拿桑.瑟提亞萬
策展人 龔若靈
“When we become aware of breathing and pay attention to it, it becomes a very powerful experience. Keep doing one thing, keep reproducing one thing, for me, is a spiritual experience.” Albert Yonathan Setyawan explores the meditative rhythm of ceramic pieces that seemingly expands infinitely.
Speaking in Tongues by Albert Yonathan Setyawan is scheduled to run from 7 June through 14 July
Curated by Ruoh Ling Keong
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