Edit, Sound and Information : Greta O.
For Business Inquiries ONLY : gretaorech@inbox.lt
The footage in this video falls under Fair Use Law 107 allowing for education, news reporting, teaching, comment and criticism.
Any research done to obtain information about the content of this video is done by myself and presented to the best of our knowledge using facts taken from articles and news.
The intent of this video is to create a conversation in which people can share their thoughts and opinions.
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24 faktaitop ten faktaitrecialentynaTop dalykaiidomus faktaijūros dumbliaijodasomega 3 rūgštyskraujopsūdissunkieji metalaiJūrų dumbliai – maisto papildaspadedantis atsikratyti antsvoriochlorelėchlorellavingrūnėSpirulinadaugiausia maistingųjųsušiųTobulas maistasjuros dumbliu patiekalaijuros dumbliu receptaijuros dumbliu receptasJūros kopūstaijūržolėlaminarijaAzijos šalių virtuvėsSupermaistas