Title: Main Toh Raste (Icecream Song)
Artiste: Raymond Ramnarine (TMB)
Produced by Bakyard Studios
Producers: Raymond Ramnarine and Richard Ramnarine
English Lyrics: V.Ramnarine, A.Ramnarine
Mixed by: Avenash Richard Ramnarine
Mastered by Nikholai Greene
Artwork by KOD
Executive Producer: Kuchela Entertainment
COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: It's for promotional purposes only. I do not upload videos for money. No copyright infringement intended. If any artist wants me to remove his track from my channel then make sure to e-mail me: errolvashti747@gmail.com or trinifrealvibes@gmail.com or a private YouTube message, it will be deleted immediately.
please feel free to send your audio files and artwork to errolvashti747@gmail.com or trinifrealvibes@gmail.com.my youtube chnl is trinifreal vibes = [ Ссылка ] allot....
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