Very simple High power amplifier circuit diagram.
Big bass or powerful bass audio amplifier circuit using 3 Transistors.
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Component list:
- 1x any High power NPN Transistor (in this video I use C5198)
- 1x any High power PNP Transistor (in this video I use A1939)
- 1x any Low/Middle power NPN Transistor (in this video I use D882)
- 2 pcs 1 Ampere diodes (in this video I use 1N4007)
- 1x 1K ohm Resistor (for 12 VDC power supply). If You use more than 24 VDC, replace it with more than 2K ohm resistor.
- 1x 100K ohm Resistor
- 1x 10uF/50v Elco
- 1x 1000uF/25v Elco
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#BigBass #PowerfulBass #Amplifier
Circuit diagram Big Bass 3 Transistors Audio Amplifier
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