The Kerala Buildings (Lease and Rent Control) Rules 1979, Rule 12 is to be complied with as per Section 27 of The Kerala Buildings (Lease and Rent Control) Act 1965 and Rule 7 of The Kerala Buildings (Lease and Rent Control) Rules 1979.
For Legal consultation WhatsApp 9895367270 on payment of Rs,500 as consultation fee by google pay to this phone and take appointment.
Particulars to be furnished in a Rent Control Petition.
Justice delayedSupreme Courtdelay in courtsspeedy trialGiving false evidenceFabricating false evidenceeviction of tenantLease agreementLicense agreementLegaleviction of tenant for arrearseviction of tenant in KeralaKerala Building rent control Actbobby manibuilding ownerrent controlrent control actrent control rulesparticulars to be includedActRulesparticularsfurnishedgivenameniitesrental valueresidentialfurniturerentleasebobby