Title: High Efficiency and First Applications of a Lab-based XES von Hamos Spectrometer Based on a Graphite Crystal Analyzer
Speaker: Richard Gnewkow (Technical University of Berlin)
Abstract: Modern laboratory XES spectrometer can reach energy resolution comparable to synchrotron beamlines combined with a better accessibility which is particular important for routine measurements. The major limitation of lab based spectrometer is however the small incident flux compared to synchrotron sources. The presented spectrometer partially compensates the lower flux with an efficient detection scheme based on a highly annealed pyrolytic graphite (HAPG) crystal analyser in full-cylinder von Hamos geometry which allow measurements of the valence-to-core (VtC) region on dilute samples within hours. I will introduce the HAPG crystal and its influence on the detection concept. The instrumentation, sample environment and performance with respect to energy resolution and efficiency are discussed afterwards. As an example VtC measurements of different Calcium compounds will be presented.
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