Super excited to show my "Magic in Trang, Thailand" video. Trang is a great place for showing magic tricks. The people of Trang are amazing. I really like their honest reactions to my magic effects. Hope you enjoy the video.
Credit to Gregory Wilson and Matthew J Dowden for showing me the "boomerang card" (many years ago now) and Michael Murray who showed me the "hot shot" - you guys were all very patient.
Things to do in Trang, Thailand Part 1 magic
magic in ThailandTrang magic manTrang magicianTrang Thailand magicianDavid Blaine magicmagic skill levelplaces in Trangcoffee shops in Trang ThailandMagic Box NewcastleGraeme ShawMichael MurrayGregory WilsonThings to do in Trang Thailandplaces to go in TrangGray cafe 18 Trangamazing magicbest trick everbest magicworld's best magicworld magicbest world magic tricksmagic skillsEnglish magic in Trang Thailand