A fictitious battle between the arch enemies from the Babylon 5 series.
Model credits:-
Vorlon Dreadnought & Planet Killer - Fabio Passaro
Shadow Battlecrab - Nadab Göksu
Nebulas - Fernhoo
Musical Score:-
" Z'ha'dum " by Christopher Franke performed by the Berlin Symphonic Film Orchestra
Animation & Production:-
Rendered with Lightwave 2015.3
Vorlons Vs Shadows Battle Redux
vorlons vs shadowsvorlonshadowbabylon 5babylon5battlereduxchristopher frankeanimationsci-fisci fiscience fictionfan filmspacialkatananebulaplanetz'ha'dumlaserexplosionlens flareinstanceinstancingbullet dynamicsdynamicscgiartartworkspace battlespacelightwavelightwave 3dnewtekvorlonsshadowsplanet killerplanetkillerdreadnoughtvorlons attack shadowsvorlon shipsvorlon dreadnoughtvorlon planet killervorlons and shadows