One of the richest aspects of ACT is its exploration of the process known as "self-as-context." As we apply ACT processes like defusion, acceptance, and contact with the present moment, we can adopt a new perspective on "selfing." This session will explain several ACT terms related to self-as-context, including attachment to conceptualized self (also known as "self-as-content"), our ongoing and changing sense of self-awareness ("self-as-process"), and the flexible perspective-taking that informs a spiritual or "transcendent" dimension of self.
Here's what you can expect from viewing this session:
-An exploration of the self-as-context process and how it pertains to ACT interventions
-A brief introduction to "selfing," including elements of relational frame theory (RFT) and deictic framing (e.g., I/You, Here/There, Now/Then)
-A consideration of perspective-taking and its implications for compassion, spirituality, and other key dimensions of human life and experience.
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