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How Long Does A Midlife Crisis Last?
I'm Coach Adrian and welcome to Happily Committed.
Are you or someone you know going through a midlife crisis? This is a topic that is very dear to my heart because many of my clients, many of my friends, and family members have experienced midlife crisis. And it can ruin your life quite literally. And so I thought that it would be interesting for you to understand how long a midlife crisis can last so that you are prepared and equipped to deal with this difficult period.
As you know and as we've addressed in other videos, a midlife crisis is a transition of identity happening usually in your 40s or 50s and it can be quite difficult for you experiencing the midlife crisis but also for those around you who don't understand what you're going through and who don't recognize you and your behaviors. A midlife crisis is usually caused by aging or changes or regrets linked to your life or to your career. It can also be caused by the maturation of young children for women especially who find themselves to be empty nesters and who are no longer able to live out the identity that they've created for themselves over a certain period of time. When you're caring for someone else and for others and stop caring for yourself you can find yourself highly susceptible and vulnerable to a midlife crisis. Ultimately to address the issue of how long it will last the reality of it is the more you fight the transition that you're going through the longer it will take, the more you're able, the quicker you are able to accept what is happening to you the sooner you will be able to move past this challenging time.
Now to the scary part. A midlife crisis can last in some cases anywhere between two years to a decade. Some people are stuck in this transition for many years but that should not scare you. Ultimately it is possible to overcome a midlife crisis a lot quicker as long as you don't let your passions your egos and your fears get the best of you. You have to hang on to something that is greater than yourself and you have to put your life at the service of a greater cause in order to deal with those fears and passions. That is how I've helped a lot of my clients reshape their identity and find purpose during this transitional period and I would love to have the chance to work with you too, as a coach who has focused my life on helping individuals be happy with themselves and in their relationships, I find no greater joy than helping you find peace with all that you are at this point in your life. And don't get caught up on the fact that a midlife crisis can last up to ten years. If you let your fears get the best of you, if you're living in the future, if you're focused on this end goal of overcoming your midlife crisis, you will feel disempowered, you will not feel like you are in control over your life, and as a coach I would love to help you overcome this transitional period of your life and I invite you to work with us.
Check out our programs, go on our website, look at our blog articles, and if need be book a package so that we can work together over the next few weeks or months to make sure that you do everything that you can to quickly turn things around. If you've enjoyed this video please like it, subscribe to our channel for more content on how to be in a healthy relationship with others and with yourself. Join the Happily Committed movement, thank you for tuning in and see you soon for another video on Happily Committed.
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How Long Does A Midlife Crisis Last?
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