2017 semester 2 (15 August 2017 to 15 February 2018)
Tiling and Discrete Geometry
Chair: Shigeki Akiyama (Tsukuba)
Local project leader: Pierre Arnoux (I2M)
Shigeki Akiyama, Full professor at the University of Tsukuba, Japan, is currently holding the Jean-Morlet Chair for the second half of the year 2017. His programme of events focuses on Tiling and Discrete Geometry. The semester is co-organized by Local project leader, Pierre Arnoux, mathematician at the I2M Mathematics Department in Marseille, and a member of the team working on Geometry, Dynamics, Arithmetics and Combinatorics.
Each semester of the Jean-Morlet Chair is intended for an outstanding, innovative researcher from a non-French institution, working closely with a Local project leader based at Aix-Marseille Université. The idea is not only for individuals to collaborate at an international level, but also for this programme to help develop strong synergies between laboratories, researchers, doctoral students, both across borders and within the local mathematical sciences community at large. The chair is open to all areas of mathematics and mathematics in interaction with other disciplines.
Each Chair consists of an extended Scientific programme of events (1 conference, 1 research school, up to 2 workshops, 2 research in pairs events + any other outreach or parallel activity such as Masterclasses, work with PhD. students, talks in local laboratories or federations such as the FRUMAM etc.). The programme of events is organized alongside a programme of invitations (colleagues, special guests, post-doctoral students, PhDs etc.) that brings supplementary financial support to these events and draws international mathematicians to Luminy.
This programme was created in 2013 and is now internationally recognized. It is seen as an exciting opportunity to boost the international attractiveness of the Marseille Region and enhance current trends or develop new ideas in all fields of mathematical sciences.
This successful collaboration is traditionally sponsored by:
Aix-Marseille University
the City of Marseille
Cirm 2018
Interview/Realization: Stéphanie VAREILLES
Camera-operator: Le Chromophore - Guillaume HENNENFENT
Translation of questions : Céline MONTIBELLER
Interview at Cirm: Shigeki Akiyama
CirmCNRSSMFMathematicsmathématiquesMarseilleLuminyCentre international de rencontres mathématiquesShigeki AkiyamaAkiyamachairejeanmorletchairechaire jean morletpierre arnouxaix marseille universitésciencesociety mathematical frenchmathematical societyuniversity of tsukubauniversity japanmathematics japanresearcherTiling and Discrete GeometryTilingI2MLabex ARCHIMEDELabex CARMIN