RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat's recent comments on the Mandir-Masjid issue have sparked criticism from Hindu seers and some BJP leaders. Spiritual leader Jagadguru Rambhadracharya said Bhagwat may lead the Sangh Parivar but not the Hindu faith. The Akhil Bhartiya Sant Samiti also objected, stating religious matters should be decided by religious leaders. This pushback comes after Bhagwat advocated for an inclusive society and suggested not looking for Shivlings in every mosque. Swami Ram Bhadracharya defended the reclaiming of prominent Hindu temples and criticized RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat's recent comments urging restraint. He argued that Hindus have the right to reclaim temples destroyed in the past, dismissing concerns about social harmony. The debate touched on issues of historical grievances, economic priorities, and legal approaches to temple reclamation. #rssdebate #templedisputes #mandirmasjidissue #hindutemples #mohanbhagwat #placesofworshipact #templereclamation #supremecourt #indiatoday #hinduseers #kashivishwanath #rss #newstrack #ayodhyaramtemple #swamibhadracharya #krishnajanmabhoomi
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