Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) have remained as the fundamental building block of integrated circuits for long. However, with the passage of time, demands for more functionalities per unit chip area became pre-dominant in order to sustain Moore’s Law. Researchers have been looking for novel devices which are prospective enough to replace MOSFETs. With this goal in view, the semiconductor industry came up with a number of emerging devices. This lecture aims at developing an overview of some of these novel devices, which shall
provide an idea of the applications they may be targeted for. The key features of the webinar are tentatively listed here.
Moore’s Law and MOSFETs: Some interesting facts about the Moore’s Law, and some lesser-known facts about MOSFETs shall be presented. Drawbacks of MOSFETs shall be
discussed in brief.
Emerging Devices: FinFETs, TFETs, and Memristors.
Sensing Applications: biosensing using various FETs and food-protein sensing using
Choosing Different Parameters for Analysis
Prospects in Research: simulators and methods
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