For the same set up of an instrument, Staff reading is more at a lower point and less for a higher point. Thus, staff readings provide information regarding relative rise and fall of terrain points. This provides the basics behind rise and fall method for finding out elevation of unknown points.
#Greek language #uppercase #lowercase #suction #reinforced #concrete #metal #mesh #added #provide #extra #support #against #stresses #reliability #quality #being #dependable #basis #size #seismograph #oscillations #rigid #incapable #resistant #bending #shear #deformation #object #which #parallel #planes #shift #silt #mud #clay #small #rocks #deposited #river #lake #span #bridge #stable #resistant #change #position #condition #steel #alloy #small #amounts #carbon #stiff #incapable #resistant #bending #strain #deformation #under #action #applied #forces #stress #physics #force #produces #strain #physical #body #strong #having #strength #power #greaterthan #average #expected #strut #brace #consisting #bar #rod #used #resist #compression #suspensionbridge #bridge #roadway #supported #cables #anchored #both #ends #tension #produces #elongation #physical #body #tie #horizontal #beam #prevent #structural #members #from #spreading #torsion b #elasticity #hardness #metal #object #tower #structure #taller #its #diameter #transmission #line #conductor #transmitting #electrical #optical #signals #electric #power #truss #rigid #framework #beams #that #supports #structure #unstable #lacking #fixity #firmness #valve #mechanical #device #for #controlling #flow #fluid #viscosity #resistance #liquid #to #flowing #volume #the #amount #3-dimensional #space #occupied #by #object #wrought #iron #having #a #low #carbon #content #that #tough #malleable #and #can #twisting #force #toughness
#reservoir #lake #store #water #community #resilience #ability #original #shape #Richterscale #logarithmic #scale #formerly #express magnitude #earthquake #vasodilator #trade #Nitrospan #Nitrostat #perimeter #size #something #distance #around #pier #support #two #adjacent #bridge #spans #column #driven #provide #support #pile #driver #machine #drives #piling #ground #piston #device #has #plunging #thrusting #motion #plastic #synthetic #molded #into #objects #pneumatics #branch #mechanics #deals #mechanical #properties #gases #pressure #exertion #force #surface #pump #device #moves #fluid #gas #pressure
#Α #α, #Β #β, #Γ #γ, #Δ #δ, #Ε #ε, #Ζ #ζ, #Η #η, #Θ #θ, #Ι #ι, #Κ #κ, #Λ #λ, #Μ #μ, #Ν #ν, #Ξ #ξ, #Ο #ο, #Π #π, #Ρ #ρ, #Σ #σ/ς, #Τ #τ, #Υ #υ, #Φ #φ, #Χ #χ, #Ψ #ψ, and #Ω #ω.
#alpha #beta #gama #delta #lamda #sigma #english #knowledge #education
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