Chrysalis is a three-part series that blends Western psychology and neuroscience with Eastern practice and Buddhist psychology to bring about unprecedented, meaningful, lasting change to every arena of our lives. If you are experiencing repetitive patterns — be they patterns of thought, emotional cycles, compulsive behaviors, or patterns in intimate and interpersonal relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Following the trajectory offered in Ralph De La Rosa’s bestselling book The Monkey Is the Messenger: Meditation & What Your Busy Mind Is Trying to Tell You you will gain insights and learn meditations informed by neuroscience, somatic psychology, Tibetan Buddhism, the "parts work" of Internal Family Systems, yogic philosophy.
All courses are guided by Ralph's principle of radical non-pathology, the audacious notion that nothing is wrong with any of us; that the troubles in our lives are a paradoxical invitation to grow and discover genuine confidence. MORE INFO HERE: [ Ссылка ]
🔻Check out Ralph’s website for information: [ Ссылка ]
🔻Full Online Curriculum: [ Ссылка ]
🔻About: Ralph De La Rosa, LCSW, (he/they) is the author of two internationally published books. He is a psychotherapist in private practice, and seasoned meditation teacher known for his radically open and humorous teaching style.
🔻Connect with Ralph De La Rosa:
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Don’t Tell Me to Relax: Emotional Resilience in the Age of Rage, Feels, and Freak-Outs
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The Monkey Is the Messenger: Meditation and what your busy mind is trying to tell you
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