This is video of the mask mandate portion of the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Meeting October 6, 2020.
See detailed analysis with images at
0:00 Meeting Starts
1:00 Administrator Tipton says similar Trends on Treasure Coast (though IRC no mandate)
2:30 Tipton shows trendline of deaths for county with mandate (ignores IRC again)
3:30 Tipton says following other counties in FL
5:00 Tipton says deaths dropped dramatically ignoring same result in IRC w/ no mandate
7:00 Officials state no idea on when ok to remove mandate
8:00 Officials state influenza could require masks through end of influenza season
9:30 Officials states accompanying underlying illnesses of COVID deaths are cardiovascualr disease, pulmonary diseases and obesity.
10:10 Of 294 deaths over 1/2 has been in nursing homes (2x as much as IRC and MC combined)
11:00 Tipton says mandate has been focused on education rather than enforcement
11:30 Tipton states mandate have not had negative impact on economy
12:25 Continues saying economy ok because of housing and home services
13:15 Sperber makes influenza comparison saying its worse despite new WHO data
14:00 Data shows need for age-targeted strategies
15:00 Mass vaccination plans underway which is the next phase of response
19:45 Dzadovsky cites age-distribution of death is elderly not young
20:20 Sperber cites schools opening but ignores ICA Charter being Covid free
21:00 Sperber has no metric or KPI by which to remove mandate
23:20 Wait until herd immunity or vaccine (masks delay herd immunity)
23:40 Sperber again states no answer on metric and has no idea when to remove mandate
24:45 Mention of limitation of hospital beds caused by statement of need regulations preventing hospitals from coming to market
25:50 Sperber recommends everyone get the flu shot so they can rule out flu-based positives in COVID tests
27:00 Townsend points out issues with flu shots and shocked report states no impact on economy
30:20 Dzadovsky says businesses significantly impacted but this is also supporting them. No idea for when to repeal.
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