Special thanks to Tazztyyy for helping me check sets, and SSH for showing me the power of raw Bow.
Twitter has my current sets and I will updated them as I'm making them.
Imgur albums:
HBG - [ Ссылка ]
LBG - [ Ссылка ]
Bow - [ Ссылка ]
Honey Hunters!: [ Ссылка ]
BGM: "Bherma Village Theme" - Monster Hunter Gen/X
[ Ссылка ]
[ Ссылка ]
Twitter - @Phemeto
[Iceborne] 12.02 Meta Sets Updated - Bow
PlayStation 4MHWMonsterHunterWorldIcebornePhemetoPatchNotesUpdateGunGunnerGunnersGuildBowLBGHBGLightHeavyBowgunCapcomAmmoElementalChangesgamingSpeedRunSpeedrunningSpeedrunsSpecialWhat to useTipstricksGuidehelpTutorialNewmetaeventVaalVelkhanaVelkBestCriticalElementFireSingleNormalsSpreadsRawThunderWaterSFDecorationDecoArmorSkillRelicReviewWeaponsSafiJiivaXenoSafi'JiivaAwakenedSkillssetsbonus