Hello guys!
This is a new diadem.
As you can see I did this with two headbands. And If you have a question you should write in the comment. And I have an instagram. I'll leave link here.
See you next time.
My instagram:
[ Ссылка ]=
Tiara Handmade || Diy || headband
CrownDecorationDiadema yasashHijabStyleabadok yasash o'rganishchristmas decorationsdiademadiydiy activitiesdiy christmas decorationsdiy projectsdo it yourselfhijab stylehijab tutorialhijabiholiday makeup tutorialmakeup tutorialneffex crownthe crownyoutube shortszakolka yasashКак сделатьСделай самУкрашениекак сделать оригамиподелки из бумагисамоделкисвоими рукамиукрашение тортаукрашение тортов