"My Beloved World" is 7 unique works created by composer and musician Aleksey Boychenko, known under the creative pseudonym Kotik Music. The music tells about the love of the world, the power of creative thought, beauty and tenderness. A magnificent video sequence of the beauty of the Earth, flying over forests, mountains and rivers. The unique ethnic vocals of the Italian vocalists make these works unique.
Vocals: Ethera Gold Atlantis, Giulia Colantonio , Clara Sorace. Elena Borroni.
video footage [ Ссылка ]. video: [ Ссылка ]. [ Ссылка ]
0:00:00 "Our planet of love"
0:10:21 ""My beloved World"
0:17:02 "Return to the roots"
0:28:54 "When the Angels Sing"
0:37:48 "The Heart of the Desert"
0:44:33 "I LIVE !"
0:54:21 "Magic Winter"
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