Welcome to this channel, My World in 30 Seconds, where I introduce you my visions via approximately 30 seconds videos.
With my boyfriend we visited the lighthouse a few days ago. It stands among drifting sand dunes and has a wonderful surrounding. :-)
I hope that you will enjoy the video.
If you do so please press like and / or subscribe.
Stay Safe and Have a Lovely Day.
Rubjerg Knude Lighthouse, Denmark 🌳🌊😎
droneParrotANAFIMy World in 30 Secondshd30 secworld4kbeachcinematicnatureseaNorth Seawavesdunessandyinspirationsandbeautiful placesexploreEuropevisitbeautiful destinationtengerparthullámhomoktengertermészetleisureoutingfresh airskystrandDenmarklighthouselandscapeRubjerg Knudedrifting sand dunescloudytourist attractionholidayvilágítótoronyDániavakantietouristLøkkenLønstrup KlintJutlandRubjerg Knude Fyr60 m above see level