Train No : 12123 Deccan Queen from CSTM-PUNE departs CSTM at 17:10Hrs and Reaches PUNE at 20:25Hrs on the same day.
It is a Daily Service Train between CSTM-PUNE.
Loco used to haul this train is #KYN #WCAM3 & #WCAM2P.
Loco seen in this video is #KYN #WCAM2P.
It has no Rake Sharing.
Rake ICF Rake.
It takes 3Hrs 15Mins to cover a distance of 189km at a Avg. Speed of 58km/hr with 3 halts.
Halts at KJT-LNL-SVJR.
Bankers are attached at KJT.
Bankers are detached at LNL.
Location : Matunga (CR), Maharashtra, India.
Time : 17:20Hrs.
Video taken in the month of November 2016.
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