Introductory remarks:
AUC, Harsen Nyambe: 02:17
Phil Evans, DG EUMETSAT: 08:28
Mariane Diop Kane, AMCOMET Secretariat: 13:22
Amos Makarau, Director AMCOMET Secretariat: 15:25
Session 1:
Introduction to MTG, DG EUMETSAT, Phil Evans: 20:00
MTG for Africa – main applications and AMSAF concept, RAIDEG, Lee-Anne Simpson: 33:10
Q&A: 54:40
MTG – ASECNA Perspectives, ASECNA, Nuria Mikue Asumu Mbeze: 1:04:00 On MTG AGRHYMET Perspectives, AGRHYMET, Issa Garba: 1:15:30
On MTG ICPAC Perspectives, ICPAC, Guleid Artan: 1:26:22
MTG and EPS-SG Africa Socio-Economic Impact Study, Andre Bassole, CERPINEDD: 1:33:50
Initial concept for an MTG-AMSAF program, AMCOMET, Mariane Diop Kane: 1:49:00
Q&A: 2:01:15
Closure Session 1: 2:03:26
Opening Session 2: 2:04:04
MTG FCI data for Africa – main characteristics, Denis Fayard, EUMETSAT: 2:05:33
MTG (LI) Data for Africa, Bartolomeo Viticchie, Stephan Bojinski. EUMETSAT: 2:23:05
Q&A: 2:44:21
Africa: Data access mechanisms and training, Sally Wannop, EUMETSAT: 2:54:40
MTG-Africa, Transition roadmap for the user community, Vincent Gabaglio, EUMETSAT: 3:13:00
Q&A: 3:28:00
Closing: 3:45:25
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