Aztec Sister city or Altepetl Mexico-Tlatelolco whose name means Place of the Handmade Earthen mound. This name could a reference of a time when the Mexica lived in what is now called the Mississippian culture, who were moundbuilders along the Mississippi River and its tributaries. The Aztec supposed timeline would match perfectly along with the Mississippian culture. As well as Huastec Maya/Tenek of the Huasteca region of Mexico whose descendants likely include the Tunica as direct descendents among others. A reference to Toltec influences possible from Desoto's Tula tribe being direct descendents of theirs. Toltec in Nahuatl means Person of Tollan/Tula came to mean artisan, civilized, sedentiary, settled city person as opposed to Chichimeca meaning nomadic, hunter gatherer of the north.
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