A Christmas Tree Cataract (also known as a starry cataract) is an uncommon form of cataract characterized by polychromatic needle-shaped crystals in the lens's deep cortex and nucleus. Myotonic dystrophy is frequently associated with this form of cataract.
Depending on the angle of the light source, these refractile opacities can be found in a number of colors, such as red, green, blue, orange, and so on. It frequently provides the illusion of colorful lights on the branches of a Christmas tree.
Surgical technique:
0:00 Intro
0:27 Opening the incisions
1:00 Capsulorhexis
1:48 Hydrodissection and Hydrodelineation
2:06 Lens removal by phacoemulsification
3:35 Posterior capsule polishing
4:20 Bimanual cortex removal
4:34 Lens implantation
4:59 wounds closure
Christmas Tree, Christmas Tree Cataract, cataract surgery, cataract, routine cataract surgery, cataract surgery procedure, lens, Katarakt, Grauer Star, Zeiss 209M, , IOL, Lens, eye surgery, intraocular lens, phacoemulsification, dr. med. (Univ. Bud.) Matthias Gerl, grauer star op, grauer star operation, luxsmart iol, Katarakt, Katarakt op, matthias gerl, augenklinik ahaus
#cataract_surgery #phacoemulsification #cataract #Lens #eye_surgery #ophthalmology #Augenheilkunde #Grauer_Star #Katarakt #matthias_gerl #Augenklinik_Ahaus
Christmas Tree Cataract Surgery
Christmas TreeChristmas Tree Cataractcataract surgerycataractroutine cataract surgerycataract surgery procedurelensKataraktGrauer StarZeiss 209MIOLLenseye surgeryintraocular lensphacoemulsificationdr. med. (Univ. Bud.) Matthias Gerlgrauer star opgrauer star operationluxsmart iolKatarakt opmatthias gerlaugenklinik ahaus