OK, So this is the 3rd hose that has failed on my Astra. The first two hoses which attach to the bulkhead fittings (heater matrix) weren't too bad to replace, having said that i had a lot of views on the Norma push fit video and didn't really understand why.... Until i replaced the second one and found it didn't push on. In the end for the second hose to fit i had to cut down the tube coming from the heater matrix.
Anyway back to this video, the 3rd hose to fail was part of the EGR cooling section and was very hard to get to, you can see in the video that i spent a long time trying to replace the hose before giving in and removing the whole EGR. To get the EGR back in i had to lift the fuel filter assembly out of the way and also move the coolant expansion tank.
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